Monday, 3 August 2015

Annual Report 2014/2015: Cllr Eric Firth

Once again I have the great pleasure of submitting my annual report. As per usual I do not intend this to be a diary or an essay. I will as usual give you a flavour and an overview of what I have been doing in the past year.

Council meetings and Committees.

I have of course attended every council meeting in the last civic year.

The Dewsbury Area Committee

Dewsbury Regeneration Board

Planning Committees, Both Huddersfield And Heavy Woollen.

Standards Board

Outside Bodies

West Yorkshire Combined Authority, Deputy Chair of the Transport Committee

PTEG special transport interest group

Delegate from the Combined Authority to the ECML consortium

Chair bus Committee

Passenger Consultative Committee

West Yorkshire Pension Fund investment panel

West Yorkshire pension fund advisory group.



The Dep Chair N A C

The Dep Chair English region NAC


The most important one was of course representing Dewsbury East within Kirklees Council.

The second, thanks of course to the good folk of Dewsbury East, was being re-elected with a thumping majority for which I thank you all.

Keeping constituents informed by producing and distributing newsletters, may I add all paid for by members.

Holding monthly surgeries and of course street surgeries.

Attending tenants and residents meeting whenever I can.

Courses attended

I do of course continue to attend courses whenever practical which enable me to better understand and tackle the issues that we face in local government. This I will continue to do.

Anti social behaviour




Local Gov Finance

To conclude dear reader this is but a flavour of what I do throughout the year, but can I say that my commitment to you, my ward and of course local government is undiminished. We face many challenges in the year ahead but we as a group I assure you are ready to face them.