Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Annual Report 2014-2015: Cllr Hilary Richards

May I start this report by saying a big thank you for all the support people in Golcar Ward have given me over the last year, and for re-electing me for a further four year term in May of this year.  

2014-15 has been a busy year for me as lots of people have contacted me about their concerns which I always try to answer.
I am absolutely delighted, having taken the initiative in calling a meeting that has resulted in the formation of a Friends of Golcar Library Group and honoured to become chair of this group. At the first meeting I was honest in explaining that if we did not take the initiative, Golcar would lose its precious library. This meeting resulted in volunteers who are now in training to ensure the library stays open and a Management Committee that is working on long-term strategies; to become a registered charity and eventually take over ownership of the building through an asset transfer from Kirklees Council.
A really enjoyable task earlier this last year was to formally open the climbing boulder in Crow Lane Rec.
Having ensured this public facility is fully health and safety compliant, the boulder has now been gifted by Milnsbridge Enhancement Group to Kirklees Council so everyone can enjoy using it.
While I encouraged the Colne Valley Area Committee to give £20k towards the cost, the group raised the same amount again to be able to fund the full cost of the boulder.
The other week I was delighted at about just before 4pm to see children climbing all over the boulder. A fantastic asset for Milnsbridge!
Along with many other actions, during this year I have:
  • Supported the installation of a multisport facility for teenagers in Cowlersley.
  • Supported, local groups such as the Milnsbridge Business Association; Milnsbridge Village Hall and the Colne Valley Business Network to name but three.
  • Seen the Speed InDicators starting to collect information from sites throughout the ward. This will
    provide traffic information on which to base future road decisions
  • Championed alterations to parking time limitations for shoppers in Milnsbridge, which are now moving toward public consultation.
Given help, support and advice to people with many and varied concerns.
Kirklees Council: what I am involved in
I regularly attend Council Meetings and I am actively involved in:
Corporate and Governance Committee (Chair)
The Rural District Committee
The Licensing and Regulatory Panel
School Transport Appeals Committee
Colne Valley Area Forum of Kirklees Federation of Tenants and Residents Associations and various Golcar Ward Tenants and Residents Association meetings
I also attend Labour Group meetings and attend annual updating and other training.
Participation on Outside Bodies: I am an active member of
C & K Careers Ltd
Golcar Ward Community First
Kirklees School of Music
Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation
West Yorkshire Pension Fund Advisory Group
West Yorkshire Combined Authority Corporate and Governance Committee (Chair) 
Other interests:
Colne Valley Museum
Golcar Together
Golcar Lily Day
MEG (Milnsbridge Enhancement Group)
School governor St John's School in Golcar and Crow Lane School, Milnsbridge
I do not hold regular surgeries as, throughout the whole of the time I did hold them, I had only one person come to see me. However I regularly attend coffee mornings, and can be contacted by telephone, email or Facebook and can arrange to meet you at suitable times.