I continue working with residents of the Dewsbury East ward. Giving advice and assistance to young & elderly or signposting them to the relevant agencies. I try to attend as many local community groups as possible so I have a greater understanding of what is happening in the communities.
In 2014 I retained my position in cabinet and my portfolio is “Place” in simple terms I look after Council Housing and building houses for the future also poverty relief, waste & Streetscene. The years ahead will see a changing council where we are no longer able to deliver services as we have before.
Streetscene and other front line services contribute to the overall vision of the council. Cabinet has a clear vision to focus on working with communities & partners to create towns and neighbourhoods that are successful and vibrant.
The aim is to maintain service and confidence at same time managing people’s expectations. Recognising Budget constraints will continue to be relentless and significant for the foreseeable future. The difficult economic situation is having impact in relation to investment levels, business and growth, how our towns and neighbourhoods feel and function.
There are consequences also for communities, families and individuals – motivation, aspiration, household incomes all having an effect in particular the welfare reforms.
Participation at Council Meeting Committees
In addition to attending all the Full Council meetings and the meetings of the Labour Group of councillors I have also attended the following:
Dewsbury District Committee
Through this role we have supported various groups from the Dewsbury area to obtain vital funding for different things some example's are equipment for sport, local history groups, community events. I continue to lobby through the District Committee with other councillors to strive for better Health services for Dewsbury. I am also a member of the Regeneration board for Dewsbury and last year it has successfully seen funding of 2m from the Heritage Lottery Fund and 1.7m from Kirklees council over 5 years. Dewsbury Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI). Is a scheme that can offer grant funding to help the community protect and improve buildings in Dewsbury through restoration. The good news is local shop keepers have signed up to this initiative. Over the next few years we will see the changing face of the Northgate quarter in Dewsbury.
Heavy Woollen Planning
I continue to enjoy my role on the Planning Committee. This is a very exciting role and allows me to be involved in decisions for new development, and regeneration of existing sites. We also look at physical and social impact on applications
Dewsbury East Neighbourhood Management Group
I’m currently still involved in the NMG for the Dewsbury. This group a multi-agency approach for the wards. It involves the Police, Young People's Services, Fire Service, Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing, and Environmental Services. The key issues that we look at tackling crime, anti-social behaviour and environmental issues.
Dewsbury Children’s Centre Advisory Board
I currently chair the Children’s centre advisory board. The Advisory Board is a partnership that has developed links with parents and a wide range of services and agencies where each represent the interest of children, young people and families.
Participation on Outside Bodies
SITA Board
Ward Work
This has been quite varied from housing needs to highway problems. This year has seen the rise in residents needing support in Bedroom Tax & sign posting them to food bank. This is the reality of the coalition government through the cuts and sanctions on welfare claimants. I enjoy the challenge working with ward members resolving their issues and supporting them in lobbying for services in their area. I attend Tenants and Residents meetings throughout the ward.
Members Surgeries
My colleagues and I still hold regular surgeries at Dewsbury Town Hall. This gives residents the opportunity to get to know us in person and to raise their concerns and issues. We get a good gauge of the feelings of the community we serve towards the Council and their elected representatives.
1st Friday of month
Dewsbury Town Hall 6.00 - 7.00 pm
In the event you cannot attend you can make an appointment, and I will be glad to call and see you.
Training and Development
In addition to receiving regular policy updates at Labour Group meetings, I have undertaken the following training and development
Planning Training (UPDATE)
Child Protection Training
CSE Awareness Training (Kirklees Safeguarding board)
Once again thank you for your support, and please don’t hesitate to contact should you need my help. 07786983846.