Tuesday, 5 May 2015



All elections are important, but this year having both elections, General and Local on the same day, emphasises just how both decisions are linked. The Conservatives have never believed in public services, even when they prove to be more reliable, cheaper and efficient. The Lib/Dems in contrast claim to believe in local public services, perhaps the sniff of power after so many years in the cold were just too much to allow their beliefs to get in the way of Cabinet Posts.

It is difficult to see though why the Lib/Dems have stood aside, not only to allow drastic, and unnecessary cuts to be made, but to allow the cuts to be biased so greatly in favour of the Tory Heartlands particularly in the South of England. The systematic shift of resources away from the North is even applauded by the Kirklees Tory Leader who claims that the reason for the shift is that the Labour Government gave Kirklees too much money, not a sentiment he shouted loudly whilst running the council.

If the Conservatives retain control be it with the help of of the Lib/Dems or UKIP they will see it as a green light to destroy the public services we have left. Remember the Energy Companies, the Post Office, the Bus Companies, the Telephone Network, the Water Companies were all created as public enterprises and are now owned mainly by foreign companies, even in some cases by foreign governments. The Tories are good at making profits for their relatives in the City by selling public assets on the cheap, they would love to get their paws further into the Health Service but they will not stop there, they will move on to the Fire Service, Public Roads and any other public asset they can sell. They tried to sell the National Forests, and no doubt will try again.

So use your vote on Thursday both for the Local and National Government to retain the civilised services built up by our predecessors.