Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Golcar: Planning round-up

This week St John’s school have asked to slightly alter the permission they have already received permission for, (planning application 2013/92746).  The reason for this is change because the school’s supplier has been changed so the cover for outdoor play is slightly different from the original request.

At 7 Parkland Avenue, Longwood permission is being requested to be able to convert an integral garage into living accommodation.  This also means bin storage needs to be re-sited and a parking space formed.

Both these decisions are being designated to officers.

Finally, planning application 2014/92021 relates to ‘reserved matters’ regarding land off Grange Road, Golcar. 

This application presents details of matters that were not originally agreed when outline planning permission was granted several months ago.  In this application the developers are asking for permission to build houses to a specified layout, scale and appearance.  There is also a detailed report relating to drainage issues that caused a lot of concern at the outline planning application hearing. 

This is a contentious application that you may wish to be heard by the planning committee.  If this is the case, have a chat with the planning officer, Bill Topping on 01484 221000 and lodge your objection as soon as possible.

If you think I can help with any matters mentioned above get in touch by email or ring me on 01484 652922.