Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Planning Update: Golcar Ward

In the week starting 9 June 2014 the owners of 15 Station Road have been given permission to build a two storey extension. Similarly, J’s Out of School Club have been given permission to erect an external teaching pavilion at St John’s School.

Conversely, the owner of 67 West End Road has been refused permission to build a garage and tractor shed/wood store. 

However, at 64 Cowlersley Lane has received listed building consent to erect a satellite dish and for exterior lighting on the property.  

Similarly, the proprietors of Cowlersley, Premier Food and Wine in Cowlersley Lane have been given permission to install a ATM machine at the store.

Mr Keogh at 231 Longwood Gate has been given permission to undertake work on trees on his property which is in a conservation area.